The Works User Fields and User Value Fields are user-defined fields for customizing important information about the inventory. There are six User Fields available on the Works and Editions Miscellaneous Screens. There are three User Value Fields available on the Works and Editions Value Screens. In Preferences, define the User Fields with a caption so that data is entered consistently.
The System Assigned Inventory Number option can be activated to automatically assign Inventory Numbers as new Work records are entered.
- Length of Number: define the number of digits to be listed in the numerical portion of the field.
- Base Number on: define the option on which to base the numbering system on: Artist/Maker, Ownership, Work, Type, or Alt.Type.
- Section Order: Up to 5 sections may be used for the System Assigned Inventory Numbers: Artist/Maker, Number, Ownership, Type or Alt Type. The top field is the first section of the inventory number, the next field down is the second section, the next field down is the third section, etc. Select each inventory number section by clicking on the drop-down list for each section (use one or more sections when establishing System Assigned Inventory Numbering).
- Prefix and Next Number: Use the Prefix and Next Number section to define the particular prefix/number for each section of the System Assigned Inventory Number. In the Prefix and Next Number area, click the drop-down to select the specific section to add prefix or next numbers. Edit both Prefix and Next Number when prompted in the list provided.